What is OCD and how to manage it with Xanax?
What is OCD?
OCD is Obsessive-Compulsive . It is a mental illness that causes unwanted thoughtDisorders or obsessions or the compulsion urge to do something repeatedly over and over again.
What are the symptoms of OCD?
Checkings, such as alarm systems, ovens, locks, or light switches
Abomination, a fear of things that might be dirty, or a compulsion to clean. Symmetry and order, the need to have things lined up in a certain way
Ruminations and meddlesome thoughts, an obsession with a line of thought. Some of these thoughts can be violent or disturbing.
Obsessive behavior types:
Obsessions are repeated thoughts
Fear of germs or abomination
Unwanted denied or taboo thoughts involving sex, religion
Aggressive thoughts towards self or others
Worries about themselves or other people getting hurt
awareness of blinking, breathing, or other body constant sensations
The belief that a partner is unfaithful, with no reason to believe it
Compulsions behavior types:
Compulsions are repetitive behaviors
Excessive cleaning
or hand washing
Arranging things in a particular way
Plus, Including Repeatedly checking on things,
Also such as repeatedly checking to see if the oven is off The door is locked
Not all habits are compulsions. Everyone double checks things sometimes. But a person with OCD does generally.
What causes OCD?
The causes of OCD are unknown thus both genetic and environmental factors are believed to play a role. Or a different type of medications or uses of a drug can also create an OCD factor. Besides the history of child abuse or any other stress can also include.
Treatment of OCD:
There is no treatment for OCD. You can’t cure it, but you can manage how your symptoms affect your life through medicine.
Hence, Xanax is a prescribed medication for a person with OCD, OCD has symptoms of not being able to control their thoughts or behavior. But Xanax is a medicine that controls your thinking ability and also gives your mind a relaxation power or a calm effect to make you feel relief from it.
Xanax is prescribed medication by the doctor for any type of mental illness, moreover, this medicine helps you to recover fast.
Side-effects of Xanax:
a lot of desire for sleep,
Depressing mood
Poor balance
Or low coordination
Weakness in the muscle,
Slurred speech
Trouble in concentrating
Increased Sweating
Appetite or weight changes
And, Stomach problems,
food-borne illness,
Blurred vision,
decreased clarity in vision
Swelling in hands
Lastly, Muscle weakness
OCD is an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder where a person behaves the same thing repeatedly and thinks negatively they have no control over their thinking ability. Besides some compulsions are repetitive behaviors such as thinking of cleaning, or hand washing, Arranging things in a particular way, Including Repeatedly checking on things or more.
Also, they just exhausted day by day by their offensive behavior of doing the same thing repeatedly. They waste their most of hours doing this waste of things.
A person with OCD can feel that they were doing things that are not normal but they would not be able to control themselves from doing it.
Moreover, A Person with OCD can not cure their conditions but they can get well treated by medical treatment, their symptoms can be improved by using Xanax which is a prescribed medication for OCD.
Thus, If you feel any of these symptoms in yourself, tell everything briefly to your doctor and also Take all medications prescribed by your doctor.
Lasly, do not do increase the dosage of medicine on your own, if you do not feel any improvement in your behavior tell your doctor to increase the dosage of your medicine.